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The Web Newsletter -01/26/25

Posted Date: 1/26/25 (8:00 PM)

The Web
Concord High School Newsletter- 01/26/25
Home is Where the Spider IS
Welcome to Concord High School
We are so excited that you are a part of the Spider Family! Click here for a message from your principal, Dr. A (and special guests).
ATHLETICS: WEEK OF 01/27-02/01
Cabarrus County Schools is proud to host a town hall regarding substance use education and prevention
CCS Town Hall Meeting
Cabarrus County Schools is proud to host a town hall regarding substance use education and prevention. Families will hear from guest speaker Laura Stack, Founder and CEO of Johnny's Ambassadors, Youth Marijuana Prevention, and will receive local resources to connect with. If you are interested in attending this event, please scan the QR code on the flyer!
The Reality of Money financial simulation is a hands-on, interactive, real-world activity. Students make financial decisions about paying for housing, transportation and other monthly expenses as they are “transformed” into young adults with jobs and other financial responsibilities to manage. 

We have 525 Economics and Personal Finance students will participate in the State Employees Credit Union simulation over 2 days! We need 15 volunteers for each day the event will be held at Concord High School (April 9th [8:00am - 12:35pm] and April 10th [8:00am - 2:15pm]). 

Each volunteer will be paired with a SECU employee assistant to help students during the simulation. Snacks and drinks will be provided for the 9th and Lunch will be provided for the 10th. 

Please sign up using the forms and contact information linked in the images. We need your help.
"C" Spider Reverse Raffle.
'C' Spiders Win Reverse Raffle
Mark your calendars for the 'C' Spiders Win Reverse Raffle! March 1st is the date! The doors will open at the City Club at Gibson Mill at 5:30pm and the event starts at 6:00pm. Tickets are on sale now!

Tickets are $100 and include dinner for two, a chance to win the grand prize and several chances to win other prizes. There will also be a silent auction with lots of great items like trips, sporting events, art and more. Contact any of our coaches or your favorite Spider for tickets! All proceeds benefit the Concord Athletic Boosters. 
Concord High School continues to partner with parents to “empower students to be contributing members of a global society.” Research shows that when parents are involved students perform better in school, student attendance increases, graduation rates increase, and students and families enjoy closer bonds.

It is finally here, a YouTube Channel for Parents and Families! Be in the know.

Thank you to all the parents who signed up to join the Parents and Families Committee. We look forward to partnering with you.

Questions or suggestions concerning parent and family engagement?
Contact Dr. Anderson at
Student Article
Click here to read student journalist Gabriella Claros' article, All In: A Modern Comeback with Old School Flair.